"The Shift" by Janet Royko, Music by Ty Klassen

We are working on a play that will be a process of reality creation. Collaboratively we can produce a play reflective of what we passionately want to bring in for the human race.

There was theatre with powerful influence in the 60's-70's. What we need to connect people with a vision in our days, is a presentation with poignant impact. Not the same concepts as back then, rather what we are holding in our common thought. We are no longer isolated individuals, we are CONNECTED.

Scene 1

"The SHIFT"     Longer Script with more characters.  Never was performed.
(Short segment of rhythm and dance in front of the curtain, sepia look.)
 (Curtain opens, LIGHTS UP,  PETER sitting at desk in office on phone, down Left, Door to far left)
PETER:  Just do whatever you need to do to persuade the Senators to support that new oil bill. Use what's in that fund of yours. (pause)  You can count on gas prices going up. (pause)  Of course the people will pay.  If they want to go anywhere, they will pay whatever we charge.(pause)  Will you be at the benefit tonight?  (pause) Yes, I'll be bringing that one.  Her name is Lisa.  I believe we are at the same table.  (knock at door)  Have to go.  See you tonite, then.   (Hangs up)  Come in. (Heather enters)
HEATHER:  Good morning sir.  I believe you are expecting me.  My name is Heather, from Hart & Hanson, and I have the mock ups for your new advertising campaign.  I have been working on something to soften your image, to focus on the humanitarian work you do.
PETER:  You certainly are a pretty young thing, and with brains too.  We won't hold that against you.
HEATHER:  ( she is not embarrassed, but offended)Would you like to see the mock ups?
PETER:  All business, eh?  Well, just leave them here, and I'll take a look.  (pauses looking at her as she puts folder on the desk)
HEATHER:  (stepping back)  You will contact us later today, then, and let us know we have your approval to move ahead?
PETER:  Yes, yes. (dismisses her with hand, Heather, angry, exits as John enters, he overhears some, and is angered by his father's lack of respect, they look at each other, John watches Heather go)  John, come in! (glad to see John).
JOHN:  (As he enters, calms himself) Dad, we have to talk.   As of today, I'm starting a new life, deciding what I want to be doing and how I'll do it.
PETER:  (pause) We are not telling you what to do, only that you have to be ready, because opportunities are going to be coming your way.
JOHN:  Whatever.
P:  I’m counting on you to be responsible and take over my business.
J:  I don’t believe in the "way things have always been".  It’s not working.
P: I know how to use the system to get to the top, each step is contingent on the previous one.  That is how you become successful.
J:  I don't want the life you have created, and I won't support this system, it's broken and crumbling.  And as for your latest "pretty young thing”(pointing to the door)…That's why mom divorced you!
P:   I am enjoying the benefits that go with my success.   I need to have the right visual image in my position.
J:  I refuse to be part of your “image", and I have decided not to take the summer job you lined up for me, or train to be a CEO in your oil company. 
P: You're my son, John.  This is the only world you know.
J:   I have this deep urge to find real meaning in my life. 
P: You sound like a "Hippee".  If your hair gets any longer, you could pass for one.
J: You can’t look at what I am saying, or else you'll see that the life you've built is an illusion.  I  know there is something better.  I can feel something guiding me, and I trust these feelings. 
P:  You’ve been spending too much time reading way out books and playing that music.  I wish I could have somehow kept you from pursuing your music... but I was sure you would outgrow it.  You will always be chasing after something new, if you don't settle down now.  There is no need to search for anything, because you and I can take whatever we want in this world.
J:  That's the thing.  The world you and others like you have created is heading for destruction.  If life as we know it ends, it will be because of people like you.
P:  I am not responsible for any destruction.  I am supporting workers and families.  The world turns on oil.   There is no way to stop it.
J:  I don't believe that!  You don't care about anything but money, and use it to justify what you are doing.
P:  That's not true, John, I care about you... and I won't let you do this to me... and to yourself.
J:  I have to leave, Dad.  I don’t fit in here.  I will find a world I can believe in.  If I don't find it, I'll create a new one... where Truth exists... and people are accountable for their actions.  I know there's a place somewhere, where people work together... to take care of the Earth, and each other.
P:  I'll disinherit you.  You'll never make it out there on your own.
J:  I have to follow my own path.(John turns to leave.)
P:  If you go out that door, it will be the end.
J: ( turns back to his father) I wish you could understand my point of view.... You'll see, I can make my own way.  I have to claim my own power, and stand for what I know is the Truth.  I can see this is the way to change the world.  What incredible things would happen in the world, if people like you would realize this, and turn themselves around?  I love you Dad, but I have to find a life I can love.(John leaves) ( fade on Peter, angry, to BLACKOUT.)
(Lights up dim, John crosses from SL to exit SR followed by dancers and rhythm segment, Heather crosses and exits SR followed by dancers and rhythm segment, dancers exit, BLACKOUT)