"The Shift" by Janet Royko, Music by Ty Klassen

We are working on a play that will be a process of reality creation. Collaboratively we can produce a play reflective of what we passionately want to bring in for the human race.

There was theatre with powerful influence in the 60's-70's. What we need to connect people with a vision in our days, is a presentation with poignant impact. Not the same concepts as back then, rather what we are holding in our common thought. We are no longer isolated individuals, we are CONNECTED.

Shorter Script Scenes 4-7

( LIGHTS UP, Rowan and Heather, carrying basket, enter SR, others enter SR and SL, all bringing stools and setting up, tuning, jamming)
ALL:  (greeting and hugs, getting set up, Heather sets up a small table and puts food out)
ROWAN:  As you can see, Heather is back for a while.
OTHERS:  That's great, glad you're back, so good to see you etc.(find seats and start eating)
PATRICIA:  Good to see you JOHN.  This is Z,  he's written a new piece for us.
Z:  I have been trying to come up with something we can use to create a strong vision.
PATRICIA:  You know I'm stuck on the idea of creating Heaven. 
HAROLD:  The more clearly we visualize heaven, the closer it gets.  We can choose how we want things to be, make our own energy vibrate at that level, and we will cause more of that same vibration to manifest around us.  Law of Attraction.
ROWAN:  It may all come down to physics, but it is easier for me to think about simply being in close connection with the Source of the energy of life...Holding the space for that cosmic energy to manifest.
CLARK:  The energy of love definitely dispels any kind of lower energy.
PATRICIA:  (smiles looking at each)  With the love of good friends in our circle, and blessed food in abundance, we have created heaven.
JOHN:  You are right, I think Heaven is here and now.
HAROLD:   Peace and joyful feelings empower us.
Z:  May I play you the song I've been working on.  If you like it, do you think we have time to get it ready for Sunday's Music in the Park?   I know we want to play something special for everyone.
OTHERS:  Let's hear it, we'll see if we can pick it up, etc. I like it, I think we can do it, Sure, let's play it on Sunday, etc.
Z:  It’s called  “Walking into the Light”.  (One verse of music, LIGHTS dim center, LIGHTS up SR and front, dance segment SR with HEATHER, at end of dance segment HEATHER sits on bench, others leave except John who approaches her spot light, both make eye contact, sunset)
HEATHER:  I'm sorry, but do I know you?
JOHN:  You seem familiar to me too.
HEATHER:  Are you from around here?
JOHN:  No, I'm from Ottawa.  As of last week, though, my home is that tent over there.
HEATHER:  I Just came from Ottawa too.  I had a bad experience with an oil company CEO, which forced me to take a good look at what I really want in my life.
JOHN:  That's where I saw you.  That was my Dad, you went to see.  I thought you were one of his "girls".  You did look sort of angry when you left.
HEATHER:  I was so mad I didn't really notice you, but... (looking at him) yes, I remember you now.  I got fed up with clients who expected an exchange of favours… that kind of bartering devalued my hard work.
JOHN:  I turned my back on that life too.  (Pause) I really like this spot. 
HEATHER:  I grew up here.  This was my favorite spot as a child.  It seems like another lifetime.
JOHN:  Do you mind if I sit here?
HEATHER:  This is kind of a sanctuary to me, can you respect that?
JOHN:  Yes.    I’m not like my father. (Sits, giving her plenty of space.  Pause)  Actually… something clicked for me in a deep way when we met the first time.
HEATHER:  It does feel like a deja vu.  (Pause as both look at the sunset) It feels so good to be back here.  I've been away for..let's see.. it must be six years.  I had to prove to myself, that I could be successful in the "real world"... but advertising turned out to be more of an illusion.
JOHN:  I lived that so called "success story" as well.  My heart was not in the path my family had set for me.  I feel bad about my father.  All I can do is send him love.  Big business is more than heartless, it is ruthless and cruel.
HEATHER:  Funny, the advertising company I worked for was Hart & Hanson.  When I Joined the firm, I believed it actually had heart, but I was wrong.
JOHN:  My new life is so exciting...my senses are opening up to a new world.  I'm coming alive and loving it.  What I'm finding is much better than what I could have imagined.  Look!  Here I am sitting beside you...  it's...beautiful!  I love it!   (Pause while both watch the sunset.
HEATHER: (Stands) I'd love to be part of a group that focuses on evolving, and changing with the changes together. I feel this need to do something to help humanity move forward.
JOHN: Yea, I know what you mean. I am looking forward to seeing how relationships will evolve.
HEATHER:  (Pause walking, then stop)  I have been thinking lately.  What if women refused to have children with men who hold destructive thinking in their hearts?  Could humanity genetically evolve away from killing? Goddesses of the Earth unite!
JOHN: Whoa! That's a big control issue!  (stands)
HEATHER: Maybe not so much a control issue as making right choices for women's safety and for the welfare of future generations.
JOHN:  I guess it might be possible to turn mens' hearts with the right incentive. It all boils down to respect for ourselves and for each other.  (exit thinking, BLACKOUT)

SCENE 5 (Music in the Park)
(In the park before the performance on Sunday, the musicians are warming up, LIGHTS UP)
Z:  Hi, JOHN.  Glad you could Join us.
JOHN:  Thanks for letting me play.  What is the vision we'll be holding?
Z:  We are envisioning love, light, peace and joy, to be our gift to the audience.
PATRICIA:  We want to create a Space where Love exists tangibly… to create Heaven.
ROWAN: ...and connect everyone here with the Earth….remembering oneness.
HEATHER:  If we create with love, we know the experience will be transforming.
HAROLD:  What we place our Awareness on, becomes the reality.
JOHN:   All of our intentions can merge into oneness…I'd love to support all of you with my talent, playing music from my heart… being open in the moment.
Z: We're ready then? (Musicians nodding, others enter, and talking to audience) Welcome everyone. Please lay back,  open your hearts, and let us take you with us on a musical adventure. (Start “Heaven Here on Earth”, SONG “In the New Reality”, color back in musical segments now till end)(Dancers and others exit, change in lighting color)
ROWAN: Wow! What a great experience!  (Move to Patricia)  How was it for you, Patricia?
PATRICIA: I've come close before, but this is definitely Heaven.
CLARK: (Move to musicians)  It was amazing how you all played as one.  John, you played like you have always been with us.
PATRICIA: We were all tuned in to the same vision and vibration.  It is a miracle.
ROWAN:  Is it just me, or does everything look different?
PATRICIA: I told you, this is Heaven.
Z: Something definitely shifted. It feels lighter and more peaceful.
CLARK:  We didn’t use any drugs, did we?  That's what it feels like.
HEATHER:   That was amazing.
HAROLD:  (Stands)  We may be in a convergence of time and space. 
JOHN: I think we've arrived “here”… and "now".  I love it! (Clark and Rowan move to Harold)
CLARK: I wonder if this reality exists past what we see, or if it exists in our collective mind.
HAROLD: The music must have created a vision strong enough to become real in each of our minds.
 ROWAN:  I think it happened because of the strong connection we made as a group. I believe we are all here together for a reason, we may even have a common mission through generations, or through dimensions.
HEATHER:  ( to John and musicians)  I think this connection we are feeling is a mystery, something we can't understand with our reason, and must feel with our hearts.  What I believe is something like the "Holy Grail" opened.  The entire universe is there to respond to our thoughts, with whatever we can receive, if we are an open vessel.
HAROLD:  I’m amazed at what our minds are capable of creating. I believe that we can create on an individual level and at the same time create on a collective and even galactic level.  ..and people everywhere can come to a recognition of our creation...as our reality changes, so does the larger reality.
JOHN:   We have to be careful of expectations, and not be diverted by our past, our beliefs, and our Judgements.  Whoa!, I think I Just brought myself down by saying that.
HEATHER:  We need to overcome our fears and issues around control that might come up. I see what you mean, John...We need to focus our thoughts on what we want!
CLARK:  (chanting, drumming and others Join in)  "We shall over come." (he adds at the end of the line  - our minds, then our egos, our fears, others add in couple of times, all laugh and stop singing)  I think that song was too "Anti".

PATRICIA: We have created a space where our souls are at home.
HAROLD: We have changed the world.
CLARK:  This is very much like 1968, only this time we have more respect and wisdom, and can do the same thing without drugs..
HEATHER:  We should stay together and keep our vibration up.
JOHN:   But not be afraid that it will go away.
HEATHER:  Right!  No fear or scarcity thinking.  It's all good, it's Love.
CLARK:  We've all had peak experiences and then had it disappear - like the old Summer of Love.  Oops, there it goes down again.
ROWAN:  We understand it more now and can return to this state anytime by ourselves.
HEATHER:  Let's meditate on it, so we know it well.  (All focus/meditate for a bit, open arms, AAhhh)
PATRICIA:  It isn't good to "hide our light under a basket", as they say.  I believe we can retain this vibration and go back to our normal lives. 
ROWAN:   Why don't we meet back here tomorrow and talk about what happens?
HAROLD:  You mean, go back to our individual selves? Sounds like an experiment I can wrap my mind around..
JOHN:  I'm curious to see what happens now.
HEATHER:  This has been sooo great!  Thank you.  I love all of you guys.  (All agree, Love you too, all rise, with hugs and Love chatter) See you all tomorrow, (All say Bye etc and exit both sides, JOHN follows HEATHER, short dim till all exit)
JOHN:  (JOHN and HEATHER move down SR together, John brings acoustic guitar. LIGHTS down center and up on SR )  Mind if I join with you?  I was thinking of going to your spot.
HEATHER:  Me too.  I was hoping we'd have a chance to talk.  You play beautifully.  I’m glad you are here. 
JOHN:  Thanks.  You’re awesome on that ukelele.
HEATHER:  (they sit)  I think I’ve figured out what I really love to do – it’s dance.
JOHN:  You are definitely a dancer.  (both nod)
HEATHER:  (Pause) I have been thinking about a new kind of relationship.  I want to have all the space and freedom I need to evolve, and create whatever I can imagine, to express my individuality.  Do you think it's possible to have all of that inside a close relationship with someone?
JOHN:  I'm sure it is.  We can learn to respect each others' creativity and intentions.  I think there is a Greater Source we can tap into to become fulfilled in ourselves, so we’re not dependent on each other, and at the same time be ultimately connected in oneness.
HEATHER:  I long to move away from my separate reality, into a larger collective reality.  I am hesitant though, because I was wrong about the last reality I chose.  I believe, like you, that the Universe will bless us with the best possible reality, and that there is a source of great Love.
JOHN:  (Pause) I would like to see what it feels like to hold your hand.  Nothing more than checking out why I feel this closeness to you. (holds his hand out)
HEATHER:  (taking his hand in both of hers)  Yes, there is definitely a good connection between us.
JOHN:  I think relationships need to be based on friendship and giving loving energy to support each other…   I love just being here with you.  It is enough. (release hands)
(JOHN, HEATHER look out in silence building and sharing energy, music segment, HEATHER dancing around JOHN playing “Gentle like a Dove”, Heather sits at end of song watching John,  BLACKOUT)

SCENE 6  (LIGHTS UP, Next day at the park, everyone arrives crossing to spots in circle, 8 drum counts)
JOHN:  We’re all “Here” again.
HAROLD:  It is our collective self again. (Lights dim as dance starts)(International Dance of Peace)
ROWAN:  (In spot by bench) I brought a talking stick.
PATRICIA:  I’ve been thinking... we have passed beyond needing a leader .. we're all becoming leaders and can respect each others.  We are connected to the Source now, and each will know when there is something to contribute.  How does that sound to you Rowan?
ROWAN:  Sounds right to me.  I’ll just hang onto the stick, in case Clark gets unruly…of course, I will do no harm with it.  (She laughs and the others join in, Patricia returns to circle as Clark comes out)
CLARK:  I had some interesting things happen this last day, and would like to share my experience.  I had a conflict arise with a man who insisted his ideas about politics and religion should be heard.  He became belligerent.  I saw that those who are not having an easy time adjusting to the changes, are clinging ferociously to what they think is most important from the past.  I tried to help him adjust, but he was not open.  You can’t help in a situation where there is no understanding of the Truth of the moment. ( others agree, Clark goes back to circle, Harold comes to spot)
HAROLD:  I was in a situation with two good friends who understand the idea of collective reality, but they refused to join in.  It was their choice to stay in their individual realities.  It felt like a fear issue.  (agreement)
ROWAN:  I had a meeting with a couple who had deep fear issues, and even though they understood the ideal birth process, I knew they wouldn't be able to embrace it, and might unconsciously call in difficulties when the time comes.  I decided not to take them on as clients.  I might have agreed to work with them a few days ago, as I have had a tendency to try to change and save people. (Harold and Rowan back to circle, Lights up all to spots)
PATRICIA:  Those are great examples of choosing the vibrations that match our new selves.
CLARK:  I was wondering why everything around me seemed the same.  If we shifted dimensions, how do we manifest what we want to see?
HAROLD:  The manifestation process may take time because we are rooted in the beliefs anchoring us in this reality.  Know that you have shifted, release those beliefs that come up which are anchored in lower vibration, and use your passion to give energy to your vision. 
WILL:   What if we pool our resources and skills together for the greater good, to create an example for others to follow?
HEATHER:  I feel that live movement and dance is what I’d like to contribute to community.  We could write a play about the co-creation process.  It would be perfect to add dance!  Perhaps those who want to, could travel around with musicians and dancers, performing this play, to help others shift reality and co-create.
Z:  I really like your idea, Heather.  We could have our home to come back to here, a place to rest, and still travel, and work on our projects wherever we are.
JOHN:  I have not had a home for a while, traveling and playing as I move around.  I would love to have a place here to sink in my roots, settle my heart, and hang my hat.
PATRICIA:  How about some music to help us manifest the best possible reality for ourselves?  (agree)  (Song “Manifestation Song”)
HEATHER:  Can we take a breath together again, and solidify our vibration before we leave?  (all breathe in together and lights dim as exhale, Musical segment short, BLACKOUTt)

SCENE 7  (JOHN on bench in park, enters father PETER, stops, anxious and down center)
JOHN:  Dad!  How did you ever find me? (JOHN rises)
PETER:  (approaching JOHN, stops)  I was told that you might be here.  I have been looking for you.
JOHN:  (goes to dad, embracing)  It’s good to see you.
PETER:  (weeping)  It’s really good to see you, Son.  You look fine!…..  I have thought about what you said before you left.  My world was a lonely place.  Did you find a meaningful life?
JOHN:  Yes.  (sits)  How to begin to tell you about the wonderful life I have found….  I’ve met others who are creating a new way of living.  I think I want to live and work with them… and, I’ve met a woman I want to be with. (pause, both happy)
PETER:  (Pause, steps closer) I sold my business.  I decided you were right.  It was not the way of the future.  I would love to be a part of your wonderful life.  Do you see any way to fit me in?
JOHN:  I can believe anything, now.  How did you ever manage to disengage from that quagmire?
PETER: (Crosses in front)Some of it was difficult.  Making a change in that system made a lot of people uneasy, but, when you own everything and everybody, you can work things out.  (chuckle, crosses back)  There was also some Joy when people were released from their heavy loads... and the response to showing some integrity, rippled out in interesting ways. 
JOHN:  Wow!  Amazing!  (pause) I was actually sitting here manifesting the perfect place to create my own space of love.  (stands) And you showed up!  Do you suppose you might want to create your own space here with us?
PETER:  I really want to be where you are, John.  (Hug)
 (LIGHTS up center, all enter SR & L, John stands)
JOHN:  Hi everyone, this is my father, Peter.  ( all say Hi, JOHN and PETER sit next to HEATHER)  Father, you remember Heather?
PETER:  I remember,.. and hope you will accept my sincere apology. (She pauses then takes his hand)
JOHN: …. and this is her Mother, Rowan.
ROWAN:  Welcome, Peter.  (The others introduce themselves, shake hands etc)
HEATHER:  I am really happy that we have manifested this great community.   Our “Holy Grail” cup is overflowing, so amazing things will burst forth.
ROWAN:  What we receive is perfect, when our intention is to manifest life with the “Best Possible Outcome”.
PATRICIA:  We have the spiritual and emotional tools we need to step into the path we are creating.  Let’s offer our gratitude and celebrate the abundance we have received.
(“Gratitude Song”)  (PETER enjoys, joining in after a bit, and feels the love, smiles, Blackout, “Reprise”, bows)
The End

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