"The Shift" by Janet Royko, Music by Ty Klassen

We are working on a play that will be a process of reality creation. Collaboratively we can produce a play reflective of what we passionately want to bring in for the human race.

There was theatre with powerful influence in the 60's-70's. What we need to connect people with a vision in our days, is a presentation with poignant impact. Not the same concepts as back then, rather what we are holding in our common thought. We are no longer isolated individuals, we are CONNECTED.

Scene 6

SCENE 6  (LIGHTS UP, Next day at the park, everyone arrives and sits in circle, Clark is next to Rowan)
JOHN:  We’re all “Here” again.
DAVID:  It is our collective self again.
ROWAN:  I brought a talking stick.
WILL:  I’ve been thinking... we have passed beyond needing a leader .. we're all becoming leaders and can respect each other.  We are connected to the Source now, and each will know when there is something to contribute.  How does that sound to you Rowan?
ROWAN:  Sounds right to me, Will.  I’ll just hang onto the stick, in case Clark gets unruly…of course, I will do no harm with it.  (She laughs and the others join in..pause)
CLARK:  I had some interesting things happen this last day, and would like to share my experience.  I had a conflict arise with a man who insisted his ideas about politics and religion should be heard.  He became belligerent.  I saw that those who are not having an easy time adjusting to the changes, are clinging ferociously to what they think is most important from the past.  I tried to help him adjust, but he was not open.  You can’t help in a situation where there is no spirit of cooperation. ( others agree)
KATE:  I was in a situation with two good friends who understand the idea of collective reality, but they refused to join in.  It was their choice to stay in their individual realities.  It felt like a fear issue.  (agreement)
ROWAN:  I had a meeting with a couple who had a deep negativity, and even though they understood the ideal birth process, I knew they would not be able to embrace it, and would call in difficulties when the time comes.  I decided not to take on the case this time.  I might have agreed to work with them a few days ago, as I have had a tendency to try to change and save people.
DAVID:  That is a great example of choosing the vibrations that match our new selves.
KATE:  I was wondering why everything around me seemed the same.  If we shifted dimensions, how do we manifest what we want to see?
DAVID:  We definitely experienced a change in vibration, which can cause our minds to shift.  Claim that you have shifted, and you can expect more.
HAROLD:  The manifestation process may take time because we are rooted in the beliefs anchoring us in this reality.  Use your passion to give energy to your vision.
KATE:  There are yogis who can manifest instantaneously.
WILL:  I drew up Guidelines for a New Reality, and brought everyone a copy.
JOHN:  Wow, this is great!  Thanks, Will.
WILL:  What if we pool our resources and skills together for the greater good, to create an example for others to follow?
HEATHER:  I feel that live movement and dance is what i'd like to contribute to community.
KATE:  I’ve started writing a play about the co-creation process.  It would be perfect to add dance.  Perhaps those who want to, could travel around with the musicians, performing this play, to help others shift reality and co-create.
Z:  I really like your idea, Kate.  We could have our home here, a place to rest, and still travel and work on our projects.
JOHN:  I have not had a home for a while, traveling and playing as I move around.  I would love to have a place here to sink roots into and hang my heart.
PATRICIA:  How about some music to help us manifest the best possible reality for ourselves?  (agree)  (Song)
ALL:  ( Hugs, saying:  Thanks everyone.  I did some big shifting today.  Feel good etc.)
HEATHER:  Let’s all explore some more and come back tomorrow, same time?  (all agree)  Can we meditate together again, and solidify our vibration before we leave?  (hold hands outstretched and AAAhh) (Musical segment, short, blackout)