"The Shift" by Janet Royko, Music by Ty Klassen

We are working on a play that will be a process of reality creation. Collaboratively we can produce a play reflective of what we passionately want to bring in for the human race.

There was theatre with powerful influence in the 60's-70's. What we need to connect people with a vision in our days, is a presentation with poignant impact. Not the same concepts as back then, rather what we are holding in our common thought. We are no longer isolated individuals, we are CONNECTED.


The SHIFT has already taken place, but perhaps this writing will stimulate some to make the effort to determine how best they can enhance the new reality, to make their lives effective in the new ways that will heal and evolve our planet.  Please look at the shorter version first, as that is the one we have performed successfully, with fewer characters.

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