"The Shift" by Janet Royko, Music by Ty Klassen

We are working on a play that will be a process of reality creation. Collaboratively we can produce a play reflective of what we passionately want to bring in for the human race.

There was theatre with powerful influence in the 60's-70's. What we need to connect people with a vision in our days, is a presentation with poignant impact. Not the same concepts as back then, rather what we are holding in our common thought. We are no longer isolated individuals, we are CONNECTED.

Scene 5

SCENE 5 (Music in the Park)
(In the park before the performance on Sunday, the musicians are warming up, LIGHTS UP, John enters carrying his instrument)
Z:  Hi, John.  Glad you could join us.
JOHN:  Thanks for letting me play.  What is the vision we'll be holding?
Z: We are envisioning light, happiness and healing to be our gift to the audience.
PATRICIA: We want to create a Space where Love exists tangibly… to create Heaven.
WILL: ...and connect everyone here with the Earth.
HEATHER: If we create with love, we know the experience will be transforming.
KATE:   We can hold a vibration of love. ..and remember that we are all one.  All of our intentions can merge into oneness.
JOHN: I'd be honored to support you with my talent, playing music from my heart, being in the moment.
Z: We're ready then? (Musicians nodding, others enter, and talking to audience) Welcome everyone. Please lay back,  open your hearts, and let us take you with us on a musical adventure. (Start SONG 2, SONG 3, color back in musical segments now till end)(Dancers and others exit) (Actors come together)
ROWAN: Wow! What a great experience!  How was it for you, Patricia?
PATRICIA: I've come close before, but this is definitely Heaven.
CLARK: It was amazing how we all played as one.  John, you played like you have always been with us.
PATRICIA: We were all tuned in to the same vision and vibration.  It was a miracle.
DAVID:  Is it just me, or does everything look different?
ROWAN: We are still in the park, but it does seem different.
PATRICIA: I told you, this is Heaven.
Z: Something definitely shifted. It feels lighter and more peaceful.
CLARK:  We didn’t use any drugs, but that's what it feels like.
HEATHER:   That was amazing...something shifted.
HAROLD:  We may be in some sort of shift in time and space, or a convergence of realities. 
JOHN: I think we've arrived “here”… and "now".  I love it!
DAVID:   Want to sing a song together? (All agree) (Song 4 – Cale & Serena’s song)
CLARK: I wonder if this reality exists past what we see.
HAROLD: The music must have created a vision strong enough to become real in all our minds.
ROWAN: I believe we are all here together for a reason.  I feel a strong connection between us as a group.    We may even have been together before, and have had a common mission through generations, or through dimensions.
HEATHER: I feel the connection too, but I think it is a mystery, something we can't understand with our reason, and must feel with our hearts.
KATE: What I believe in, is the "Holy Grail", where the universe is there to respond to our thoughts, with whatever we can receive, if we are an open vessel.
DAVID: I'm with Kate, amazed at what our minds are capable of creating. I believe that we can create on an individual level and at the same time create on a collective level.  ..and people everywhere can come to similar realizations...
HAROLD:  As our reality changes, so does the larger reality.
WILL:   We are learning to communicate on a new level.
JOHN: We have to be careful of expectations, and not be diverted by our past, our beliefs, and our judgements.  Whoa!, I think I just brought myself down by saying that.
HEATHER:  We need to overcome our fears and issues around control that might come up. I see what you mean, John...We need to focus our thoughts on what we want!
CLARK:  (chanting, drumming and others join in)  "We shall over come." (he adds at the end of the line  - our minds, then our egos, our fears  before someday, others add in couple of times, all laugh and stop singing)  I think that song was too "Anti".
PATRICIA: We have created a space where our souls are at home.
HAROLD:  We have changed our world.
CLARK:  2011 has been like 1968, only this time we have more respect and wisdom, and know we can do the same thing without drugs..
HAROLD:   We can't stay here forever in the park... or can we?
HEATHER:  We should stay together and keep our vibration up.
JOHN:   But not be afraid that it will go away.
HEATHER:  Right!  No fear or scarcity thinking.  It's all good, it's Love.
CLARK:  We've all had peak experiences and then had it disappear - like the old Summer of Love.  Oops, there it goes down again.
ROWAN:  We understand it more now and can return to this state at will.
HEATHER:  Let's meditate on it, so we know it well.  (All focus/meditate for a bit, open arms, AAhhh)
PATRICIA:  It isn't good to "hide our light under a basket", as they say.  I believe we can retain this vibration and go back to our normal lives.
DAVID:  "Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.  After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water".
ROWAN:  Why don't we meet back here tomorrow, same time, and talk about what happens?
HAROLD:  You mean, go back to our individual self? Sounds like my kind of experiment.
JOHN:  I'm curious to see what happens now.
HEATHER:  This has been sooo great!  Thank you.  I love all of you guys.  (All agree, Love you too, all rise, with hugs and Love chatter)
KATE:  See you all tomorrow, (All say Bye etc and exit both sides, John follows Heather, short dim till all exit)
JOHN:  (John and Heather move down R together. LIGHTS down center and up on R )  Mind if I join you?  I was thinking of going to your spot.
HEATHER:  Please do.  I was hoping we'd have a chance to talk.  Great job on the bass.
JOHN:  Thanks.  You are darn good on that ukelele.
HEATHER:  Thanks.   I've figured out what I really love to do - dance!
JOHN:  You are definitely a dancer.  (both nod)
HEATHER:  (Pause) I have been thinking about a new kind of relationship.  I want to have all the space and freedom I need to evolve, and create whatever I can imagine, to express my individuality.  Do you think it's possible to have all that inside a close relationship with someone?
JOHN:  I'm sure it is.  We can learn to respect each others' creativity and intentions.  I think there is a Greater Source we can tap into to become fulfilled in ourselves, so we’re not dependent on each other... and at the same time, we can be ultimately connected in oneness.
H:  I long to move away from my separate reality, into a larger collective reality.  I am hesitant though, because I was wrong about the last reality I chose.  I believe, like you, that the Universe will bless us with the best possible reality, and that there is a source of great Love.
J:  (Pause) I would like to see what it feels like to hold your hand.  Nothing more than checking out why I feel this closeness to you. (holds his hand out)
H:  (taking his hand in both of hers)  Yes, there is definitely a good connection between us.
J:  I think relationships need to be based on friendship and giving loving energy to support each other. 
..... I love just being here with you.  It is enough.(both look out in silence building and sharing energy, short musical segment with HEATHER dancing around JOHN, the two exit, BLACKOUT)