"The Shift" by Janet Royko, Music by Ty Klassen

We are working on a play that will be a process of reality creation. Collaboratively we can produce a play reflective of what we passionately want to bring in for the human race.

There was theatre with powerful influence in the 60's-70's. What we need to connect people with a vision in our days, is a presentation with poignant impact. Not the same concepts as back then, rather what we are holding in our common thought. We are no longer isolated individuals, we are CONNECTED.

Scene 2

SCENE 2 (Patricia and Rowan walk in and sit on park bench)

PATRICA:  Z has been working on a new song he wants to run by us at our next practice.
R:  Looking forward to hearing it. (Pause)  Guess who I got a call from yesterday?
P:  Who?
R:  Heather.  Something happened with her job and she's going to make some big changes.  She actually said she is thinking about coming home.
P:  Wow!  Leave that "Perfect" job and apartment?  How does that sit with you?  I know you two have had some challenges.
R:  I would love to see her - time changes everything.  I think she had to go her own way and prove she could, that rejection of  “what you were taught by your Mom thing".  There was something about my life style and bringing in babies…it was like oil on water for her.  I can't blame her, because I am so different from her friends' parents, and she tried hard to fit in.
P:  Being a female minister is what being different is all about.  I love my work as much as you love midwifery.  Heather took your lead, and went looking for something of her own, something she could love.
R:  She was pretty passionate about marketing and advertising.  That’s a different world though.  It may have had a magic to it, but in a lifeless, loveless, cutthroat sort of way. She must have realized there are more important things.
P:  Sounds like it.
R:  Anyway, I love her and will welcome her back home with open arms.
P:  I’ve missed her too, and hope she does decide to stick around.
R:  (pause) I was thinking.  We could practice here at the park,  and I could make a picnic dinner if we practice early.  I don't think I will have any babies coming this weekend, so I'm free on Friday.  It's not the full moon in any case.
P:   I like that idea, we all love to eat. It would be good to try out the acoustics.  Good food, good music, what could be better?
R:  That's what I was thinking.  Say, about 5:30?.
P:  Great!
R:  I'll let the others know.
P:  Say, there's Clark and Harold now.  (Clark, Harold and Will enter)
CLARK:  Hi, Rowan, Patricia.   You both know my nephew Will?
R & P & H:  Sure, Hi, Will, Harold, etc.
R:  We were just deciding to have practice here in the park on Friday, and I will make us a picnic dinner.
P:  I think it sounds great, and we can get used to the acoustics before Sunday.
C:  Sounds like fun.  I'm in.
P:  Perfect.  I need to get going.  By for now.  See you Friday.
R:  I was just getting ready to go myself.  Patricia, I'm coming too.  See you then (to men). (the women exit)
W:  (pause as men sit on bench)Haven't you always had a "thing" for Rowan?
C:  (takes off his backback, says "Walk gently on the Earth", sets on bench) That was years ago. We are good friends now.  She needs me around occasionally to keep things light.  She and Patricia get too serious. Besides, musicians can get past relationship issues with a little focus.
W:  Rowan does important work.  She teaches spirit led parenting.  You know I am studying permaculture? (Clark  and DAVID nod) It's basic premises, are life affirming as well.  I wish more men felt free to be passionate about life.
C:  You know, I think the problem men have, is competition for energy.  Like… that’s the source of all conflict, and probably the root of our society's sexual problems. 
D:  Building yourself up at the expense of others, just makes us disconnected, and insecure. 
C:  If only we can remember, there is abundant energy, and like… just share it.  We all win when no one loses.
W:  Women compete for energy too.  They use their bodies and beauty to get what they want.
C:  .. And men have been conditioned to think their "net worth" is the same as their "self worth" and use money to get what they want.  We're not being completely honest with each other, and that just separates us more.
W:  We all think that we are isolated individuals, but I think it's not true.
D:   Many of us are experiencing a collective shift of perspective, like what happened at the end of the 60's....
W:  But, how to get people to come together?  People are talking about collectives, and starting to work together cooperatively.  It's that next step into service and sharing...we're having trouble making the move into abundance....
D:  Why do you think the communes of the 60's failed?  (sit on bench)
C: Back then, we were sharing... feeling the onenes..., and had a common focus - peace.  We were open to exploring everything in new ways with our minds. 
Harold:  We were pushing all boundaries we ran into... and breaking out of forced patterns.
C:  .. you know… “anything goes” and "free love". But, there was a lack of integrity in "love the one you’re with” and “go with the flow", devoted and respectful love was rare…
 Harold:  There wasn't enough accountability and responsibility for our actions... or good communication. 
C:  The music was really good though!  ...We were so focused on peace, that when they pulled the troops out of Viet Nam, we thought we had won our fight against war. 
W:  How's that for a great oxymoron? 
C:  Like… the rug was pulled out from under us, we forgot about the "Love" part, and everybody went home.  I remember the feeling of being in a void.  It was the end of our dreams. (pause) I do miss the limitlessness I felt back then ...and the music.
D: :  Coincidentally the similarities between now and the 60’s came up today for me too.
Harold:  Physicists are proving there is something we could call a “Oneness”, underlying everything, like they believed in the 60’s. 
D:  If we would accept this fact, man could move into a global consciousness centered around Love and Peace.  We would all understand, that when anyone is hurt, we all are affected.
W:  Likewise, if the harmonious balance on this precious jewel of a planet is disrupted, we will all feel it.  Our Earth is a piece of the puzzle too... We have learned a lot since then.  
D:  We just need to free ourselves from the enslaving systems of money, energy and food production. 
Clark:  Power to the People!
W:    It’s more like empower the people.
C:  Right!  To be free, we need to lead ourselves, and not depend on others to supply our needs... and move away from fear. 
Harold:  We have to become aware of violence in all aspects of our lives, break out of those physical and mental cycles of pain, and come to hold as a common "Truth", -   There is no situation in which violence is acceptable.
W:  Fighting for peace obviously doesn’t work.  No more anti this and anti that, we have to focus our thoughts on what we want.
D: Well... I know whatever I am thinking about, influences my reality.
Harold: We have proved that the quantum world responds to our thoughts, and so by focusing and directing our thoughts, we can cause changes in physical mass, even move objects
D:... and when large groups focus their thoughts on something, it affects the world around theml
W: ..  when enough individuals learn something, others suddenly know it . 
Harold:  There is a lot more going on than many scientists are willing to look at.   Once we start tapping into the latent potential of our brains, we may be astounded at what is possible.
C:  Physics is now proving what mystics and spiritual leaders have taught for centuries.  It’s all coming together!
D:  Einstein and others knew about this, and accessed knowledge through inspiration and dreams, basically tuning in to the collective mind. 
Harold:  We also know that the brain does not distinguish between what we see with our eyes and what we envision with our imaginations... The problem is, that our minds are limited by our beliefs.  If we can become aware of how we are limiting ourselves, our world will change.
C:  Yes, I think awareness is the key.  People were exploring some of these ideas at the end of the '60s, but we have greater knowledge now…
Harold:  …and need to use it responsibly.
JOHN:  (Enters SR with backpack and guitar case)  Excuse me.  I was told there is camping in this park.  Is it near here?
W:  You are almost there, brother.  Go on down around the bend, and take the left fork in the walkway.  Where are you from?
J:  I am traveling for now, and home is wherever I am.  I'm John.
W:  I'm Will, this is Clark and this is Harold and that's DAVID.  There are lots of interesting people traveling these days, looking for a place they belong and finding other like minded people.
D:  You a musician?
J:   I play the bass.
W:  There will be a gathering on Sunday,  and we are playing music here in the Park.  Lots of good people will be there.
J:  Sounds great!  I love being around lots of high energy folks.  That's the thing about traveling, when I tune into the Source everything falls into place, and following my heart keeps me on the best path.
W:   Yes, more of us are knowing this now.  We were just talking about giving the energy of our thoughts only to what we love, not to what we don't want. 
D:  What we can create together will be better than what we can create alone. We are finding that raising our vibration is the way to free ourselves from the Matrix and whatever limits us.
J:  I think the right music helps us raise our vibration. (all nod)
C:  It sounds like we all feel the same way about music.  Would you consider playing with us on Sunday?  We were just planning a practice here on Friday at 5:30, and one of the women in our group  is bringing a picnic supper, and lots of brownies.  You could join us if you like.
J:  I would like that
All:  Brownies, mmmm brownies etc.
(They walk off together SL, LIGHTS  shift to SR for exit, BLACKOUT, quick set up for SL)